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Salmon and Ginger Spring Rolls with Soy Dressing

Salmon and Ginger Spring Rolls with Soy Dressing Serves 4
220g (8oz) smoked Scottish Quality Salmon, defrosted and diced small
4 sheets filo pastry, plus a little butter
110g (4oz) fresh coriander, roughly chopped
55g (2oz) white onion (cooked)
1 tbsp mayonnaise
85g (3oz) fresh ginger (grated)
1 pinch five spice
Salad leaves for garnish
Soy sauce
Preheat the oven to 220ºC, 425ºF, Gas mark 7.
In a bowl mix the salmon, coriander, onion, mayonnaise, ginger and five spice.
Lay the sheets of filo on a cold surface and cut in half.
Place a small amount of salmon mixture on each and roll into cigar shape folding in the sides that have been brushed with butter.
Place into the oven and cook for two to three minutes.
Serve on a bed of salad leaves with soy sauce.
Tip – For outdoor eating, serve cold with soy sauce for dipping.

Fat content: 11.6g
Carbohydrate (energy): 30.1g
Kilocalorie: 280
Fibre: 1.3g

All values are for one serving using listed ingredients.

Recipe and image kindly provided by Scottish Quality Salmon

Cajun Fish and Chips

Cajun Fish and Chips Serves 6
6 170g (6oz) frozen South African Hake fillets
65g packet Cajun Chicken and Southern Fried Seasoning
300ml (10fl oz) water
4-5 large potatoes, washed and cut into wedges
2 15ml spoon (2 tbsp) vegetable oil
Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°C, Gas Mark 7
Lay potatoes on a baking tray. Coat with oil and half the seasoning.
Bake for 25 minutes.
Place the fillets in a shallow ovenproof dish.
Add water to the Cajun mix. Pour the Cajun liquid over the fish.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Serve fish and chips with peas and lemon wedges.

Recipe kindly donated by The Seafish Industry

Aromatic Mackerel with Chick-peas

Aromatic Mackerel with Chick-Peas Serves 4
455g (1lb) mackerel fillets, defrosted, cut in two crossways
1 432g can chick-peas, drained
For the marinade:
2 5ml spoon (2 teasp) curry powder or paste
2 cloves garlic, crushed
salt and freshly milled black pepper
70ml (7 dssrtsp) water
2 15ml spoon (2 tblsp) sunflower oil
5cm (2”) piece fresh root ginger, finely chopped
parsley or coriander to garnish
Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F, Gas Mark 5
Lay the fish into a shallow dish. Mix together the marinade ingredients and pour over the fillets. Cover and chill for 15-20 minutes.
Spoon the chick-peas into a lightly greased ovenproof dish and lay the fillets on top. Spoon over any remaining marinade mixture.
Cover with foil and cook for 15-20 minutes. Remove the foil and cook for a further 10 minutes.
Garnish and serve with basmati rice and a selection of chutneys, relishes, mint yoghurt, naan bread or poppadums.
29g Protein; 27g Fat; 18g Carbohydrate; 5g Fibre.

Recipe kindly donated by The Seafish Industry

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